HWSRL Self Regulating heating Cable

HWSRL Self-Regulating Heating Cable

FINE HWSRL Series is a heating cable highly efficient both to protect freezing and to maintain temperature for hot water supply pipes. HWSRL Series regulates its power output to compensate for variation in water temperature and ambient temperature due to PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) characteristic of the heating cable.

HWSRL Series is very effective to protect hot water supply pipes from freezing with low energy consumption.

HWSRL Series eliminates the need for designing complex recirculation systems with their pumps, pipes, and valves, thereby requiring low installation cost.

Especially, the self-regulating conductive core and insulation jacket of HWSRL Series are treated with irradiation cross-linking reaction, yielding excellent heat resistance and cable stability in long term operation.

Product construction

1.Copper bus wire
2. Self-regulating conductive core
3. Inner adhesive jacket
4. Modified polyolefin jacket
5. Tinned-copper braid
6. Modified polyolefin outer jacket (-CR)
Fluoropolymer outer jacket (-CT)


Product characteristics and design information

Copper bus wire


Nominal power output

10,30 W/M

at 10℃

Max. maintenance temperature


Max. intermittent exposure temperature


T-rating : T5

Max. circuit length

150 meters

HWSRL 10-2

Max. circuit length

100 meters

HWSRL 30-2

Service voltage


100 - 130 Vac

Service voltage


200 - 254 Vac

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

