Finned Heater

Finned Heater

Finned tubular heaters are custom-made to fit your application, and are designed for applications where tubular heaters are exposed to forced convection. Placing fins around tubular heaters increases their surface area and improves heat transferring capacity. Finned tubular heaters, compared to regular tubular heaters, run at lower surface temperatures for the same watt densities when placed in identical air streams. Finned tubular heaters are built to order due to individual application requirements

The sheath material of a finned tubular heater and its watt density are critical factors that affect its durability. The standard finned tubular heaters are made of steel sheath and steel fins (750°F maximum surface temperature) since steel is very efficient in heat transfer. Finned tubular heaters have a plain-surface finish. For corrosive environments or high-temperature applications (above 750°F), finned tubular heaters can be made with stainless steel sheath and stainless steel fins.

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